High Time the Traffic Enforcement in India Became Scientific, Efficient and Result Oriented | IRTE

There are a staggering 6.2 billion road traffic violations and an alarming 405 deaths on Indian roads every day, a high percentage of which is due to inefficient and faulty traffic enforcement systems in the country. The primary role of the traffic enforcement systems should be the reduction of severe and fatal accidents, the secondary being the free flow of traffic. To achieve that, we need efficient and scientific systems and state-of-the-art traffic enforcement centres in place to ensure there a sense of safety and semblance on Indian roads. In developed countries, the traffic enforcement agencies are supported by the civic or road authorities to help them in the smooth flow of traffic. However, in developing countries like India, the onus of traffic enforcement falls on the traffic police without the background or training in the field. Therefore, it’s crucial to provide them with scientific tools and training to ensure effective traffic enforcement and manage...