Traffic Safety Rules – The Glue that Binds Road and Safety

Do you believe that following traffic safety rules help in making you, as a road user, safer? How critical are they in making our roads and its users safe? There are a staggering 6.2 billion traffic violations by motorised traffic on Indian roads every day. Yes, 6.2 billion every single day! Road accidents are the number 1 killers on our roads. Nearly 1.5 lakh people die on Indian roads every year. That is equivalent to wiping out the entire population of some countries! These alarming figures are a result of the combined inefficiencies of many factors and utter disregard for human life. Inefficient traffic management system, faulty road engineering, outdated, broken traffic equipment, the rampant breaking of traffic safety rules , and general apathy towards human life are the fundamental reasons behind this chaos on Indian roads. Some of these factors are not in our hands, as road users, but a few like following the traffic rules and regulations will definitely go...